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29 Aug 2022

Aviado Partners engaged to lead Joint Venture negotiations

Aviado Partners has been engaged to develop a partnership strategy and to initiate preliminary joint venture negotiations with one of the world's leading airline groups.

Shakeel Adam, Aviado Partners' Managing Director will lead the discussions.

"Covid has changed the balance of power in the airline industry. All airlines must re-evaluate their assumptions about partnerships and draw down new alliances taking into account the new paradigm of air travel." - Shakeel Adam

"We are thoroughly impressed by Shakeel's technical and airline management expertise and his strong personal network of relationships with airline leaders around the world. Within just a matter of two weeks he has opened doors to senior decision makers that we have been unable to access for almost a year and a half before engaging him. Working with Shakeel and the broader team he has assembled to support us helps us to move forward much more effectively and efficiently and we see real, tangible results."- Executive Director of the Private Equity Fund

About Aviado Partners Advisory Services GmbH

Aviado Partners Advisory Services GmbH is a specialist management consulting firm providing objective, independent and evidence-based analysis, advice and implementation support to airlines, airports, rail operators, hotels and other transportation related companies around the world. The firm advises management, boards, investors, governments, leasing companies and other stakeholders across all the key commercial and strategy issues. Aviado Partners' team members and associates have worked with leading international full service and low cost airlines, global consulting firms, financial institutions and manufacturers both as members of senior management as well as an airline consultant. The Partners and Associates have led or had significant involvement in numerous merger, acquisition, restructuring, start-up, aircraft selection and performance improvement assignments in Asia, the United States, Canada, South America, Russia & the CIS, Africa and the Middle East.

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