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Aviado Partners contributes to Flight Global's "OPINION: Airline siblings must harmonise to avoid cannibalisation"

19 August 2014, Eschborn, Germany


Aviado-Partners Consulting GmbH, a leading international transport-sector consulting firm and a regular contributor to Airline Business magazine and Flight Global, provides industry insight to this opinion piece on the risks and opportunities for cooperation between full service and low cost airlines.


The common misconception is that full service airlines need to cooperate with or to have their own subsidiary LCC airlines. Evidence suggests this model is, for the most part, not working. 

The article featured on Flight Global's website can be found here.

Aviado Partners' Managing Partner Shakeel Adam authored this article. An excerpt is provided below.


"Is the threat from no-frills carriers as big as many full-service airlines think? Is launching subsidiary no-frills carriers the right strategy for so many airlines? No-frills carriers have primarily increased market share by growing the overall sector and stimulating demand for lower fares. Many North American and western European airlines overestimated the threat of no-frills carriers by moving to compete on price, lowering product and service quality to strip cost out of their own offerings."

To read the article on the Flight Global website, please click here. 

About Aviado-Partners Consulting GmbH

Aviado-Partners Consulting GmbH is a specialist management consulting firm providing objective, independent and evidence-based analysis, advice and implementation support to airlines, airports, rail operators, hotels and other transportation related companies around the world. The firm advises management, boards, investors, governments, leasing companies and other stakeholders across all the key commercial and strategy issues. Aviado Partners' team members and associates have worked with leading international full service and low cost airlines, global consulting firms, financial institutions and manufacturers both as members of senior management as well as an airline consultant. The Partners and Associates have led or had significant involvement in numerous merger, acquisition, restructuring, start-up, aircraft selection and performance improvement assignments in Asia, the United States, Canada, South America, Russia & the CIS, Africa and the Middle East.

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