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Aviado Partners contributes to Flight Global Analysis titled: "ANALYSIS: Delta builds-out Asia gateway in Seattle"

26 August 2013, Frankfurt-Eschborn, Germany


Aviado-Partners Consulting GmbH, a leading international airline consultancy and a regular contributor to Airline Business magazine and Flight Global, is featured in this analysis of Delta Airline's continuing expansion of its long haul network to/from Seattle Tacoma Airport.

The article, authored by Air Transport Reporter, Edward (Ned) Russell and featured on Flight Global Pro's website, is titled "ANALYSIS: Delta builds-out Asia gateway in Seattle." It provides insights into Delta Airlines recent announcements about its expansion from Seattle across the Pacific where the airline will now add Hong Kong and Seoul to its growing trans-Pacific network. 


Aviado Partners' Shakeel Adam is quoted pointing out "Seattle has decent O&D [origin and destination] traffic demand, and Seattle as a gateway to all of the United States and to all of Canada is reasonably efficient." Shakeel further goes on to highlight the strength of Seattle as a gateway to the US and parts of Canada from the North Pacific, cutting travel times. from traffic otherwise connecting through other parts of the continent. 


Delta's build up in Seattle will certainly put some pressure on Vancouver and San Francisco as gateways. Customers should benefit from greater competition. 

To read the article on the Flight Global website, please click here. To read about our consulting services in network and fleet planning, click here

About Aviado-Partners Consulting GmbH

Aviado-Partners Consulting GmbH is a specialist management consulting firm providing objective, independent and evidence-based analysis, advice and implementation support to airlines, airports, rail operators, hotels and other transportation related companies around the world. The firm advises management, boards, investors, governments, leasing companies and other stakeholders across all the key commercial and strategy issues. Aviado Partners' team members and associates have worked with leading international full service and low cost airlines, global consulting firms, financial institutions and manufacturers both as members of senior management as well as an airline consultant. The Partners and Associates have led or had significant involvement in numerous merger, acquisition, restructuring, start-up, aircraft selection and performance improvement assignments in Asia, the United States, Canada, South America, Russia & the CIS, Africa and the Middle East.

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