18 May 2023
Aviado's mandate to support Takatso's acquisition of SAA is expanded
Aviado Partners Advisory Services GmbH, a leading international transport-sector consulting firm, has been engaged to support the acquisition of South African Airways Group.
Aviado Partners Advisory Services has been engaged by Takatso Aviation (Pty) Ltd to support Takatso's efforts to acquire shares in South African Airways Group, as well as to refresh components of the Takatso-SAA 5-year business plan and funding plan.
In addition to the above limited two-month mandate, Takatso has engaged Aviado on a specific additional mandate to review SAA's announced fleet acquisition, rebranding, communications and partnership efforts. As part of this mandate Aviado will support Board reviews as well as due diligence of these plans directly with South African Airways' management team and with the Department of Public Enterprises. The mandate is limited and does not include an ongoing technical advisory role for Aviado beyond 31 May 2023.
Aviado's Managing Director, Shakeel Adam is personally leading the activities on this engagement and will be supported by multiple experts who have worked across the broad range of line management activities within airlines, airports, financial institutions and media. The experts have previously held CEO, CCO, CMO, CFO, COO, CRO, head of Network, head of Revenue Management and many other roles. The engagement team includes experts from Germany, Italy, Canada, UK and Brazil.
#Mergersandacquisitions, #M&A, #Privatization, #Airline, #Privateequity, #Infrastructure, #aircraft, #fleetplanning, #rebranding, #partnerships
About Aviado Partners Advisory Services GmbH
Aviado Partners Advisory Services GmbH is a specialist management consulting firm providing objective, independent and evidence-based analysis, advice and implementation support to airlines, airports, rail operators, hotels and other transportation related companies around the world. The firm advises management, boards, investors, governments, leasing companies and other stakeholders across all the key commercial and strategy issues. Aviado Partners' team members and associates have worked with leading international full service and low cost airlines, global consulting firms, financial institutions and manufacturers both as members of senior management as well as an airline consultant. The Partners and Associates have led or had significant involvement in numerous merger, acquisition, restructuring, start-up, aircraft selection and performance improvement assignments in Asia, the United States, Canada, South America, Russia & the CIS, Africa and the Middle East.
For media inquiries, please send an email to pr@aviadopartners.com.
About the Client
Takatso Aviation (Pty) Ltd (“Takatso”) is an investment company established for the sole purpose of acquiring controlling stake in South African Airways SOC Limited (“SAA”), in a Strategic Equity Partnership with the government of the Republic of South Africa.